The band celebrated its twentieth anniversary already four years ago, but exposes yet far from any visible or other signs of old age, but some talk about it occurred, Nick mentions at one point that there are plenty of 40 year olds around, both in the audience and even on stage, but what about it, fuck that he says.
Paradise Lost show a vitality that is a rare luxury when they is announcing their thirteenth album, "Tragic Idol," an album that was recorded with Swedish producer Jens Bogren (Katatonia, Amon Amarth, Opeth). That this will be one of a series of classic albums like "Draconian Times", "Icon" and "One Second" can not be mistaken for that album has spinning at home.
Paradise Lost has since 1988 been road-to-life and the unique fan base the band has is the result of many long tours all over the world. Currently, Sweden has seen the band return several times and each time they touch the Swedish soil to stream more and more people to the concerts. That if any evidence of their strength as a live band.
Sure, the band can still deliver live, the sound is actually quite okay, band lavishes on like a steamroller, the only thing I can complain a little over is Nick, his stage persona is not much to hang in a tree and his voice comes and goes in songs, at times really good but other times it becomes questionable. But for the most part, this is really damn good, though they are small complaints, I am happy when I was walking home after a late night at Debaser. Tomorrow we will check up the support act!
Here are some pictures from the gig!
Todays tune "One Second" is taken from the sixth album "One Second". Following Draconian Times, the album reflected the group's first complete departure from death/doom in favour of a more gothic rock and synthpop direction. One Second is Paradise Lost's first album recorded in digital format.
Honesty in Death
Forever Failure
Soul Courageous
In This We Dwell
Praise Lamented Shade
Pity the Sadness
As I Die
Symbol of Life
Tragic Idol
The Enemy
One Second
Fear of Impending Hell
Faith Divides Us - Death Unites Us
Say Just Words
More info @
Official Paradise Lost Web
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