Candlemass was voted the greatest Swedish hard rock/metal band of all time by the writers of Sweden Rock Magazine, Scandinavia's biggest hard rock magazine as well as Sweden's biggest music magazine by circulation. They were featured in a list of the 100 greatest Swedish hard rock/metal bands of all time in a special jubilee edition, to celebrate the magazine's 100th issue. In connection with this, it was also revealed that Candlemass, along with death metal band Entombed (#2 on the list and yesterdays post), were to perform jointly at a special jubilee concert in Stockholm arranged by the magazine.
That you may have guessed what I'm going to say already, considering yesterday's post, I can just say, holy shit. This was a gruesomely good gig with more sweets than expected, that the band playing at home ground change the conditions to give some of the little extra, oh yes so they did, this time it was not only the excellent Mats Levén on vocals but also Tomas Vikström and Johan Längquist, damm this was good. Tomas Vikström still have a tone of voice that few are capable to come up to, when you reach his age, and it sounds absolutely fantastic. Even the guest vocals Johan Längquist was great, maybe a little stiff in the start, but he still can deliver, would really like to see more of this man. Then we have Mats Levén, a man who basically made for the band, hits everything like a glove, in a level that he had always been with the band. The rest of the band looked really fit and alert, just see the pictures and you will understand. Summa summarum, a brilliant gig.
Here are bunch of pictures:
Today's tune "Black Dwarf" is taken from the eighth self titled studio album "Candlemass", released in 2005.
This was the first (and only) album to feature Messiah Marcolin on vocals since 1989's Tales of Creation.
As a bonus for today i found a Band interview backstage at the 20 Year Anniversary Party in Stockholm. For this very special release, Sweden's Candlemass perform at a recent show filmed in Kolingsborg in their home country, as a celebration of 20 years of the band's doomination of the metal world. This set features guest appearances from members of acts such as Therion & Grand Magus, also including Michael Akerfeldt from Opeth who joins the band onstage for a storming rendition of 'At the Gallows End'; all contributing to a set-list spanning the band's career to date. The show was used as a live unveiling of new member Robert Lowe (from Solitude Aeturnus) - replacement for departing vocalist Messiah Marcolin. Fans flew in from all over Europe, even as far as Australia to catch this momentous occasion for a night of melodic/heavy doom metal.
Setlist from the gig:
Under the Oak
Dark Reflections
At the Gallows End
Psalms for the Dead
Where the Runes Still Speak
A Sorcerer's Pledge
Darkness in Paradise
To Ride, Shoot Straight and Speak the Truth (Entombed cover)
More info @
Official Candlemass Web