Juliette Lewis launched a career as a solo singer and musician, leading a group called Juliette and the Licks until 2009. After splitting with the Licks (Juliette announced the band was at the "end of its run." Explaining that she needed a change to grow as an artist), Juliette formed a new band called The New Romantiques, with whom she has recorded a new album entitled Terra Incognita. She had great success with the Licks by means of tunes as "You're Speaking My Language" and "Hot Kiss". Juliette also did a cover of PJ Harvey's "Hardly Wait" and "Rid of Me" in the film Strange Days before forming Juliette and the Licks. The band broke up in 2009. Juliette is out touring as you read this, tonight she will perform at Berns/Stockholm and will continue thru Europe, she the tour plan below.

Got her latest album the other day, it's produced by The Mars Volta’s Omar Rodriguez Lopez, it's a record with great variety and a rockish atmosphere. Juliette Lewis is not the best female singer, but she is a hell of a performer live and a thru festival act and she also is a terrific actress. “Hard Lovin’ Woman” is great blues rocking tune and "Fantasy Bar" power pop tune with Debbie Harry influences. In total i do like this.
Todays tune is taken from the movie "Strange Days" where she is performing the PJ Harvey's tune "Hardly Wait" Enjoy!
Here is a better version of the tune, but no movie.
Juliette Lewis on tour
31 okt - Berns Stockholms, Stockholms län
01 nov - Pumpehuset Copenhagen
03 nov - Grunspan Hamburg, Hamburg
04 nov - Kesselhaus Berlin
06 nov - Palace Acropolis Prague
08 nov - Gasometer Vienna
09 nov - Muffathalle, Munich
11 nov - Schlachthof, Wiesbaden
12 nov - Gloria, Koln
14 nov - Metropole Hall- Metropop Festival Lausanne
15 nov - Kaufleuten, Zurich, Zurich
18 nov - Paradiso, Amsterdan, Noord-Holland
19 nov - Zeche, Bochum
20 nov - Posthof Linz
21 nov - Magazzine Generali, Milano
23 nov - Alhambra, Paris
25 nov - Heineken, Madrid
26 nov - Itzela, Oiartzun
27 nov - Apolo, Barcelona
01 dec - Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth
05 dec - Boom Taksirat Fastival, Skopje
More info @ Juliette's MySpace