Sunday 7 January 2018

Ozzy Osbourne - Waiting For Darkness

Last Friday it was time again for the annual hard rock evening that always takes place on eve of Twelfth Night.

At always it's with great excitement when this day come, it's a day that I was really looking forward to. It's really great to meet up with friends that share the same love for music as I do. During this evening you will hear what others have done, what music is close to their heart and what stories they have to tell about live concerts and other odd stories that have happen during the year that has passed. And of course it is with great pleasure to play true the record that you have put together over the Christmas break and to hear what the other participants have made up for this event. This is a great opportunity to discovering some new music, but the best of all is that you get an evening together with friends of the same kind, where the music is the topic, one thing that I hold so dear!

So in the biggest secret I have carved out the tracks for this evening. But as usual the record was made in the last minute. Some of the tracks were pretty obvious through the presentation of the 2017s best albums that was publish here during Christmas and New Year.

As always it's really difficult to choose songs. This year I never got time for a theme, but overall it ended up pretty Ok after all. The categories for this year was made up with one single word only except for "Best Right Now"

This years line up of categories was:

1. Festival
2. Summer
3. Best Right Now
4. Nostalgia
5. Space
6. Death
7. Hefty

So over next week I'll present all the categories in the order of recording, Monday = Festival, Tuesday = Summer and so on, doing one extra for today as it's Sunday and a classic needs to be played :)  The rest of the upcoming week I will mix mine with the other participants choices, so here we go.

My choice from yesterday's Hard Rock Night in the Categori 1. "Festival".

OZZY OSBOURNE "Waiting For Darkness" a artist that I relate as the nr 1 at Festival, if he aint playing with BLACK SABBATH or as solo you will most likely here a tune in the bar, around the area, in the PA system or at the camping place. A festival without OZZY isn't a real festival.

Today's tune "Waiting For Darkness" is taken from his third studio album "Bark at the Moon", originally released on 15 November 1983. A tune that he never played live :(

More info @

Official Ozzy Osbourne Web

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