Heavy MetAle have started to gain some foothold in the Swedish Metal homes. Boosted by the well know hard rockers in CRUCIFIED BARBARA and now recently the Swedish heavy metallers WOLF.
During this weekend there will be some real crazyness at the Heavy MetAle camp! All this starts today, Friday 18th, NOW at 18:00 and goes on for 48 hours to Sunday 20th 18:00 at The Swedish Website www.heavymetale.se, Facebook and on Instagram.
Surf in and like and follow them and get a chance to win some awesome prized with #heavymetale
Below you can see what Heavy MetAle did together with WOLF. I haven't tasted this yet, but hopefully soon.
So today we play a tune with WOLF, a Swedish heavy metal band from Örebro. Formed in 1995, the band has since released seven studio albums and toured with SAXON, EVILE, TANKARD and more recently TRIVIUM.
Today's tune "I Will Kill Again" taken from the 4th album "The Black Flame". Century Media 2006.
More info @
Official Wolf Web
Official Heavy metale (Swedish) Web
Official Heavy metale (English) Web
Official Heavy metale Facebook
Official Heavy metale Instagram
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