Yesterday as I browsed through my vinyls along with a glass of red, my wife was on a party, so I took the opportunity to listen to some music. So it became a very mixed bag of both soft beats to the heavier riffs. A record that I had not listened to for ages was Bob Dylan's "Oh Mercy" a album that was a small revival of Uncle Bob.
I decided yesterday that I'll have a song today with Uncle Bob. I was surfing around the net with my choice in my hand and found a soundtrack, where this song was included "West Of Memphis: Voices For Justice". I saw the trailer for movie, a true scary story indeed. It's an examination of a failure of justice in the case against the West Memphis Three. Though there is a positive history of everything and it's soundtrack which mixes Marilyn Manson by Bod Dylan. The movie is a documentary film, produced by Peter Jackson and Damien Echols, and directed by Amy J. Berg.
Bob Dylan is an American singer-songwriter, musician, author, poet and artist. He has been an influential figure in popular music and culture for more than five decades.
Todays tune "Ring Them Bells" is one of the more celebrated tracks on Oh Mercy, and also where Lanois' production is at its most subtle and restrained. The song features some spiritual overtones, invoking St. Peter, St. Catherine and a "Sweet Martha" who may or may not be the biblical Martha. It opens with the verse, "Ring them bells ye heathen/From the city that dreams/Ring them bells from the sanctuaries/Cross the valleys and streams." Oh Mercy is the 26th studio album by American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, released in September 1989
More info @
Offical Bob Dylan Web
Offical West of Memphis Web
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