Crashdiet got it a bit tough this evening, a lot of what they wanted to do during their set was refused, so they had to be pleased with offer that the production gave them. For example, Simon wanted to run up with his motorcycle on stage, you know, do a Rob Halford, would have been fun to see but it is understandable that it is not allowed. However, they could been able to get a bit more light.
Gig itself was ok, the boys drove to the reputation and now i can see and hear that it is becoming well-oiled the machinery, the guys are tight and it swings a lot of their sleaze rock. This set was well practiced keep the time table (30 minutes), Crashdïet set clocked in at 29 minutes and 20 sec.
They opened up with "Breakin the Chain" and ended with 'Wild Generation', see the set list down to. Crash Diet plays tonight at the Close-Up 'boat.
Todays tune "Native Nature" is taken from their latest record "Generation Wild" (2010)
This tune is from a TV show, channel 4, 2010
This tune is from Stockholm Rock Out in Alvik, Sweden on May 1, 2010
Crashdiet Setlist (29:20)
Breakin the chain
So Alive
In the Raw
Native Nature
Riot in Everyone
Generation Wild
More info @ Official Crashdiet Website
Listen to "Crashdiet - Native Nature" on Spotify
Fint att det går bra för dem! För mig är dock Crashdïet fortfarande David Hellman och "Riot in Everyone" ;)
Ja det är kul, får se hur långt de går.
David ja...han blir svårt att ersätta, dock tycker jag Simon gör ett bra jobb.
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