Northern Swedens pride RAISED FIST have released a new album "From The North".
With only 5 albums released, critics and fans all over the world have firmly cemented RAISED FIST as one of the premier hardcore bands in the world. They started the band 1993 in the small cold northern city of Luleå Sweden. RAISED FIST has always chosen their own path up the ladder. They have done so with total integrity and 100% honesty. Raised Fist had the talent, the product and the confidence to deliver it!
With tours all over the world the band have conquered territories one at the time. Their powerful, energetic live performances are hard to find anywhere else.
RAISED FIST have proven that they are fantastic songwriters as well as musicians. Together with their long time friend, and producer, Daniel Bergstrand the band have developed a unique sound.
RAISED FIST is the band other influental bands follow and fans just love! Be sure not to never ever miss out on a chance to catch this band live! Their performances are limited and just shockingly powerful. Dont fucking blink!
RAISED FIST about the new record:
Yesterday it was Europe (US today)
We've put blood, sweat and tears into writing, producing and recording this album.
Just hammering down 3.600 nails into a board, every single one by hand, to make the album artwork, should give you an indication of our ambition with this album.
Epitaph have worked their asses off, giving this at first glance, noncommercial product a real priority. They have made sure that this album will get the recognition it deserves. A constant flow of hugs and kisses going out in the Epitaph-direction.
Of course our families, with a couple of brand new family members, have struggled with us being away. And that always hurts the most. Without the support from them, this could not be happening right now. Ceaseless love to all of you!
This album is first and foremost something we wrote for ourselves. A selfish way of expressing feelings and letting our creativity flow, the way we have done it for the last 20 years, more than half of our lives. But we were already satisfied in April 2014 when we finished the last second of production. Now it’s all yours.
We totally respect your call to either download, stream it, or whatever in order to get your hands on From The North. If you sincerely want to support the actual “album production”, then buy it. Either by following the link below, or directly from us when we pass by on tour. Either way, this beat always on repeat!
Thank you for your everlasting support! Keep enjoying life, and hope to see you all soon!
Josse, Alle, Daniel, Matte, Jimmy
Alexander "Alle" Hagman (Vocals)
Andreas "Josse" Johansson (Bass)
Jimmy Tikkanen (Guitar)
Daniel Holmgren (Guitar)
Matte Modin (Drums)
The new album sounds amazing at first site, I will get back with more impressions later on. They are a band that does things on their own terms and that does not compromise with their ideals. They hailed by legends SICK OF IT ALL and the newer abilities BRING ME THE HORIZON and I KILLED THE PROM QUEEN. Respect for their music and integrity shines through. This is the band's sixth album - which fittingly enough has been given the title "From The North". As the first single released and todays tune "Flow" and as usual, these are of heavy hardcore with punk influences. The album is available NOW! Released on January 19th, 2015!
More info @
About Raised Fist Web
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