Friday 19 July 2019

Батюшка - Песнь 1

BATHUSKA and BATHUSKA, a lot of things have happened in the BATHUSKA camp the last year, from one really promising band to two bands in one year, intrigue, discord, tour or not to tour, various versions of backgrounds, it becomes quite giddy about what is what. BATHUSKA as a band that really blown me away with the debut "Litourgiya", a record that got many hours of playtime. Nowadays I'm not really sure what to like and think about version 1 or 2.

Both of them (that is, the antagonists, former friends, guitarist Krzysztof Drabikowski (version 1) and singer Bartłomiej Krysiuk (version 2)) have now both released an album, version 1 in May and version 2 in July. Both albums feel rushed and full of hatred about the situation.

Krzysztof Drabikowski is widely regarded as the one who has been merely stalking his life's work and is often called True BATHUSKA by his fans. Bartłomiej Krysiuk is generally considered the villain who simply took over Drabikowski's creation, or cut him off, and his official version of BATHUSKA, supported by Metal Blade, is called by the Drabikowski fans of Fake BATHUSKA. Mazy?.

Below you can hear Krzysztof Drabikowski's song. And tomorrow is Bartłomiej Krysiuk's version.

So let's play a tune from version 1, where we have Krzysztof Drabikowski behind the creation. After a few spins on both albums, there are some differences, not big, they both follow the atmospheric with melodic chants mixed with black metal. Both are good, follows the already made path, decent creations and innovative black metal, but if they had worked together it would have been awesome I guess.

Krzysztof Drabikowski version feels and sounds like a follow up to "Litourgiya", a bit harder and darker. It has a decent production from the digital file I'm listening to, would like to have a Vinyl version to truly get into it, hope he releases it on the true media. Favorites tunes are "Песнь 1", "Песнь 5" and "Песнь 6". But it's very hard to analyze the albums, I'm so infected by the bullshit around these guys.

Today's tune "Песнь 1" taken from the second album "Панихида", released May 26, 2019. Music composed, produced, recorded and mastered by Krzysztof Drabikowski at SPHIERATZ STUDIO, Sobolewo, Poland

More info @

Official Батюшка Bandcamp

Listen to ”Батюшка - Песнь 1" on Spotify!

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